Sometimes the lexicon of the English language proves inadequate for my needs. So I do what any inventive person would do: I go down the DIY route to fill in the gaps. Here are a few examples:
Space-time argument: when two (or more) entities try to occupy the same point in space at the same point in time. This is also sometimes simplistically referred to as an accident or a collision.
Geniosity: The measure of a person's genius. Most frequently used in a sentence like, "My geniosity knows no bounds."
Geniass: Variation of "genius". This is a person who thinks he or she is a genius but is actually an ass/stupid. Pronounced just like "genius", except "us" is replaced by "ass", with the emphasis on "ass". So, phonetically: genie-ASS. A geniass' geniosity is very low.
Yessirmaam: For when you have to say yessir to a lady (how did they miss this one?!).
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